Quarterly Collective Prayers

Immerse yourself in our spiritual journey of collective prayer. On 25 July 2023, our leaders, pastors, and department heads will unite in a wave of prayer echoing across our community. We warmly encourage your active participation in this wave, enhancing its strength and reach from wherever you are.

Stay connected for the latest prayer items, which change every quarter. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, or contact your local church to keep up-to-date.

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We deeply believe in the transformative power of collective prayer. In our unity, we can bring about incredible blessings to our church community and the wider world.

Save these dates for our upcoming prayer sessions:
πŸ“Œ 25th July 2023
πŸ“Œ 29th August 2023
πŸ“Œ 24th October 2023
πŸ“Œ 28th November 2023

We also want to stand with you in your personal prayer journey. We invite you to submit your prayer requests here. Whether it’s a personal concern, a prayer for a loved one, or a broader community issue, we’re here to join hands with you in prayer.

Prayer is not just asking, it’s an open line of communication with God. Let’s unite as a community in prayer, for “where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)


Let’s make a difference, one prayer at a time.

