The Young Adult Ministry is excited to announce that their recent collaboration with Jurong Adventist Church to launch a young adult worship on March 31, 2023, was a great success!
This Young Adult (YA) worship drew approximately 60 young adults, including regular attendees and visitors from our community.

The idea for this YA worship originated from a group of young adult leaders in Jurong Church who saw a need for a worship service to address the preferences and specific needs of young adults in their community.

Additionally, they recognised that young adults needed another way to transition from care groups to worship services. As a result, they initiated a YA worship led by young adults for young adults.

The evening started with a warm welcome from our team and goodie bags for first-timers. The program included a song service, an opening prayer, and a special sermonette presented by Celine, one of the Jurong Church's young adult leaders. After the relatable and heart-warming message, attendees were invited to stay and enjoy the light supper prepared in the courtyard. Seekers and young adults from different churches gathered to enjoy the food and fellowship.

Overall, the YA worship was well-received by both our church members and seekers. We received positive feedback from attendees, including Kevan who enjoyed the song service, Jane who found the message relatable, and Sha who hopes for more events like this in the future. We are also excited to report that we had approximately 10 visitors who joined us for the worship!

This was the first instalment of the YA worship in 2023, and we are planning to orchestrate a YA worship once every quarter with the support of leaders and members from different churches. We hope to see you in the second quarter of 2023 and look forward to growing together as a community. Thank you for your support!

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